Monday, May 21, 2012

Canda & Florida!!

One word describe both of these experiences- Awesome! The Slous' have greatly blessed us from their time here, and our time there. And the team and Florida was so great as well. It was such a privilege to witness the Army's work 2 other territories. The BFI program Regeneration ignited many fires! Sparking so many ideas! Being fed spiritually in both places, my cup overflowed.

Spring Valley

I love SV. And I'm going to miss the people so very much. Ministering there, being ministered too, ministering alongside. It's just been awesome. I've seen and learned what a corps family should look like through the love of Christ present there. From Children's Church to Young adult Sunday School, to Volleyball and spraining my ankle, plus all the other craziness that's gone down there, I know I've been quite the blessing but far more blessed. Such encouraging relationships have come out of our time at SV, and I'm so grateful for that.

Youth Holiness Advance

Youth Holiness Advance was an amazing weekend. The spirit was so evident. It started off as Mrs. Betts asking me to give a testimony at one of the meetings, being there just the year prior, seeing how much God has changed me, and how far He's brought was a bit insane, but it did bring so much full circle for me! I was immensely blessed by my small group, and by seeing their walls broken down. This army is a holiness movement, and we are not shy of that, and seeing young people reaching for that, grasping that wholly holy living, is incredible, and definitely what God has intended.


Salvation Army Retired Officers League. It was such a blessing to hear stories of victory and of God's provision from such a wise crowd. My interview with the Watsons was dear to my heart, such godly people. Sitting among, and ministering to them was humbling beyond belief. They're such a cloud of witnesses, the sacrifice each of them made counts them as such heroes of the faith.