Friday, September 23, 2011

Here's a little intro... Well, My name is Melanie DeMatteo, I'm a fairly new salvationist, I grew up in Massachusetts uninvolved in the army, through working at Camp Sebago the NNE division easily became what I could call home. At this point in my life I'm finding myself listening to God, to hear His calling on my heart. As of right now youth ministry seems to be where He wants me, and I feel like He has definitely made that evident to me, through working at camp and with my younger siblings. With my past and through my future I've learned to bring everything through prayer and I'm trying to lean not on my own understanding, but to just have trust as to where He will lead me. I guess you could say that right now, I'm 'on the boat' and enjoying my journey thus far at Railton, and looking forward to everything that God has planned.

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